Hoy vamos con un artista creador de muñecos sublimes. El es Michael Zajkov y es de Rusia, conocido mundialmente, por sus muñecas y muñecos de época con facciones hiperrealistas.
Sus personajes siempre tienen un aire ausente, son delicados y frágiles. Tanto chicos como chicas son mayoritariamente rubios con piel pálida y pecosa, a veces son personas de color con ojos y cabellos profundamente negros.
Cada una de sus creaciones es como una persona de la vida misma, con expresiones faciales de las mas diversas. Le gusta recrearse en los mas mínimos detalles, como vamos a ver en el video que adjunto al final. Ahí se aprecia lo perfeccionista que es en todos y cada uno de los detalles, simplemente magistral.
Os remito a su pagina de Instagram www.instagram.com/michael_zajkov/
Y al video mencionado, pero existen mas en Internet https://youtu.be/7VDZSBnWr_o Disfrutalo
La semana pasada presentamos a la artista textil Galla
Hyperrealistic dolls
Today we are going with an artist who creates sublime dolls. He is Michael Zajkov and he is from Russia, known worldwide, for his vintage dolls with hyperrealistic features.
His characters always have an absent look, they are delicate and fragile. Both boys and girls are mostly blond with pale and freckled skin, sometimes they are persons of color with deep black hair and eyes.
Each of his creations is like a person of life itself, with facial expressions of the most diverse. He likes to recreate in the smallest details, as we will see in the video attached at the end. There you can appreciate the perfection that is in each and every one of the details, simply masterful.
I refer you to his Instagram page www.instagram.com/michael_zajkov/
and to the video above mentioned, however there are more on the Internet https://youtu.be/7VDZSBnWr_o .Enjoy
Last week we presented the textile artist Galla