El artista noruego Edward Munch es conocido a nivel mundial por su mas emblemático cuadro “El Grito”. Como este cuadro es archiconocido vamos a mostrar hoy otras obras menos conocidas, pero igual de significativas de su carrera artística.
Munch nació y murió en Noruega, su vida transcurrió entre los años 1863 y 1944.
Siempre vivió en solitario, y padecía de altibajos emocionales y crisis ansiosas, muchos creen que por su difícil infancia, en la que perdió a su madre a muy temprana edad y convivio con un padre dominado por obsesiones religiosas.
Sus temas raramente son alegres, aunque claro que existen excepciones, pero en donde mas se suele explayar es en escenas emocionalmente cargadas de tristeza o de melancolía. Su estilo es sumamente personal, aunque en ocasiones se aprecian semejanzas con sus contemporáneos expresionistas.
La obra de Munch es expresiva al máximo y ya disfrutó de fama mientras vivía. Pueden ver mucho mas de este gran pintor en Internet, poniendo su nombre.
La semana pasada presentamos a la artista Jennifer Anderson.
The Norwegian artist Edward Munch is known worldwide for his most emblematic painting "The Scream". As this painting is so well known, we are going to show today other less known works, but equally significant of his artistic career.
Munch was born and died in Norway, his life took place between 1863 and 1944.
He always lived alone, and suffered from emotional ups and downs and anxious crises, many believe that due to his difficult childhood, in which he lost his mother at an early age and lived with a father dominated by religious obsessions.
His subjects are rarely happy, although of course there are exceptions, but where he most often deals with, is with emotionally charged scenes of sadness or melancholia. His style is extremely personal, although sometimes similarities with his expressionist contemporaries are appreciated.
Munch's work is expressive to the fullest and he already enjoyed fame while living. You can see much more of this great painter on the Internet.
Last week we presented the artist Jennifer Anderson.