La artista australiana Pippin Drysdale es la presentada este sábado con su extraordinario arte cerámico.
Su carrera artística dura ya mas de 40 años y ella es aclamada internacionalmente después de innumerables exposiciones en Australia y el resto del mundo. Igualmente se han publicado libros sobre su arte tan autentico.
Viendo sus delicados jarrones se nos evocan sensaciones de los vastos y áridos paisajes australianos. Por lo tanto no nos sorprende que ella dice que la inspiración le viene de la tierra. A todas sus vasijas de porcelana finamente elaboradas, le acompaña un aura de elegancia y atemporalidad.
Pueden ver mas de sus hermosas creaciones en
La semana pasada fue presentado el pintor Richard Schmid de Estados Unidos.
Colours and Lines
The Australian artist Pippin Drysdale is the one presented this Saturday with her extraordinary ceramic art.
Her artistic career lasts more than 40 years and she is internationally acclaimed after countless exhibitions in Australia and the rest of the world. Also books have been published about her authentic art.
Contemplating her delicate vases we evoke sensations of the vast and arid Australian landscapes. Therefore it does not surprise us that she says that her inspiration comes from the earth. All her finely crafted porcelain vessels are accompanied by an aura of elegance and timelessness.
You can see more of her beautiful creations at
Last week the painter Richard Schmid from the United States was introduced.
English is not my mother language, please excuse little faults