Nos centramos hoy en un artista de lo mas especial, en Stephen Wiltshire, un hombre de familia india, nacido en 1974 en Londres y asimismo criado allí. Fue un niño diagnosticado con autismo a muy temprana edad, no hablaba ni se relacionaba con nadie, vivía en su propio mundo.
Muy pronto se noto su gran talento para el dibujo y era su forma de comunicarse con el mundo. A los 9 años aprendió a hablar con la ayuda de sus profesores, que lo consiguieron quitándole sus utensilios de dibujo, forzándolo así a pedirlos. El solo disfrutaba dibujando. Mas tarde estudio arte en el City& Guilds Art College.
Lo que domina como nadie son los dibujos de ciudades, muchas veces desde el aire, que contempla al natural durante un tiempo ( en vuelos con helicóptero) y luego los plasma sobre el papel de memoria. Es algo prodigioso. Ha dibujado infinidad de ciudades de la memoria, siendo las mas recurrentes Londres y Nueva York. Su talento para dibujar estos paisajes urbanísticos de memoria es inigualable.
Su trabajo es conocido mundialmente y participa en importantes colecciones. Para ver algo mas de Stephen dejo aquí su pagina web ademas de un video sobre el y su sorprendente trabajo (4 minutos)
La artista de la semana pasada fue la ceramista Pippin Drysdale de Australia
Photographic memory
We focus today on a very special artist, Stephen Wiltshire, a man from Indian family, born in 1974 in London and also raised there. He was a child diagnosed with autism at an early age, he did not talk or relate to anyone, he lived in his own world.
Very soon it was noticed his great talent for drawing, it was his way of communicating with the world. At age 9 he learned to speak with the help of his teachers, who got it by removing his drawing utensils, forcing him to ask for them. He just enjoyed drawing. Later he studied art at the City & Guilds Art College.
What he dominates as no other are the drawings of cities, often from the air, (in helicopter flights) looking at the scene briefly and then drawing it from the memory. It is something prodigious. He has drawn infinity of cities of memory, being the most recurrent ones London and New York. His talent for drawing these urban landscapes out of his memory is unmatched.
His work is known worldwide and he participates in important collections. To see more about Stephen, here is his website and in addition to it, also a video about him and his amazing work (4 minutes)
Last week I presented the ceramic artist Pippin Drysdale from Australia.
English is not my mother language. Please excuse little faults.