Hoy presentamos a un maestro de los reflejos acuáticos, el pintor acuarelista británico Brian Robinson.
Habiendo cursado sus estudios de diseño gráfico, y después de una larga y exitosa carrera en el campo de la publicidad, se decidió finalmente trabajar como artista libre. Era cuando sus cuadros ya se vendían solos. Se define a si mismo como un artista emocional , mas que intelectual, porque para pintar antes tiene que ser atraído fuertemente por el motivo.
Le encanta jugar con luces y sombras, y sobre todo con los reflejos de los objetos en ríos y canales. Todo eso le llama poderosamente la atención y lo plasma de forma brillante. Igualmente le interesan barcas, edificios, paisajes y arboles. Opina que todo lo que hay en la naturaleza es digno de ser pintado, falta solo verlo con los ojos adecuados.
En esta selección puedes ver parte de su estupenda obra y en su pagina web http://brianrobinsonartist.co.uk/ hay mas todavía de lo que disfrutar.
La semana pasada el pintor de antaño presentado fue Joaquin Mir.
Today we present a master of aquatic reflections, the British watercolor painter Brian Robinson.
Having studied graphic design, and after a long and successful career in the field of advertising, he finally decided to work as a free artist. It was when his paintings were sold by themselves. He defines himself as an emotional, rather than an intellectual artist, because in order to paint before he has to be strongly attracted by the motive.
He loves to play with lights and shadows, and especially with the reflections of objects in rivers and channels. All this draws attention to him and he shapes it brilliantly. He is also interested in boats, buildings, landscapes and trees. He believes that everything in nature is worthy of being painted, it is only necessary to see it with the right eyes.
In this selection you can see part of his great work and on his website http://brianrobinsonartist.co.uk/ there is still more to enjoy.
Last week the painter of yesteryear presented was Joaquin Mir.
English is not my mother language, please excuse little faults.