Hoy presentamos a Catherine Vaudron una artista francesa, antigua diseñadora de vestuario y decoradora de teatro.
Cuando era niña impresionada por los cuadros de Miguel Angel decidió dedicarse a la pintura. Sus estudios los curso en el Art School of Saint-Lô, y en el School of Fine Arts en Caen. Desde entonces se ha estado dedicando a su gran pasión.
Sus cuadros llevan influencia de Bonnard y Gauguin y son expresión de puro color. Le gusta experimentar con pigmentos y crear nuevas tonalidades para sus vibrantes paisajes. Cada uno de ellos es una genuina obra de arte, que nos deleita la vista.
Para informarte mas sobre esta interesante artista puedes ver esta web: https://www.carredartistes.com/en/catherine-vaudron/566316361-l-amandier-du-jardin.html
La artista del sábado pasado fue Elizabeth St. Hilaire, artista de collage estadounidense.
Color Brushstrokes
Today we introduce Catherine Vaudron a French artist, former costume designer and theater decorator.
When she was a girl impressed by Miguel Angel's paintings, she decided to devote herself to painting. She studied at the Art School of Saint-Lô, and at the School of Fine Arts in Caen. Since then she has been devoting himself to her great passion.
Her paintings are influenced by Bonnard and Gauguin and are an expression of pure color. She likes to experiment with pigments and create new shades for her vibrant landscapes. Each of them is a genuine work of art, which delights our eyes.
To learn more about this interesting artist you can see this website: https://www.carredartistes.com/en/catherine-vaudron/566316361-l-amandier-du-jardin.html
Last Saturday's artist was Elizabeth St. Hilaire, an American collage artist.
English is not my mother language, please excuse little faults