Hoy es Christian Graniou el artista de la semana. De entre los artistas presentados en los últimos 2 años hay pocos francéses y por eso me alegro que hoy pueda mostraros la obra de este gran acuarelista francés.
Sus estudios de arte los cursó en la Escuela de Artes Decorativas de Limoges y en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de Toulouse. Después tuvo una trayectoria larga como diseñador gráfico, hasta que se consagró definitivamente a la pintura.
Pasando por diversas técnicas eligió finalmente la acuarela, de la cual valora su transparencia y ligereza. Es de las técnicas mas difíciles de dominar y el ha conseguido una maestría absoluta. Ha ganado en este campo numerosos premios y menciones de honor.
Sus paisajes urbanos y pinturas de naturaleza y animales son de una gran sutileza y la luz y los reflejos siempre su protagonista. Ha sido sumamente difícil elegir entre su extensa obra solo unas pocos cuadros para este articulo, pero animo a que veas la enorme variedad que tiene en su pagina web https://www.aquarellesgraniou.com/ Disfruta con ella.
El sábado pasado fue presentada la artista ceramista Mea Rhee
Bathed in Light
Today the artist of the week is Christian Graniou. Among all artists presented in the last 2 years there are only few French artists and that is why I am happy that today I can show you the work of this great French watercolorist.
He studied art at the School of Decorative Arts in Limoges and at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Toulouse. Then he had a long career as a graphic designer, until he finally devoted himself to painting.
Going through various techniques he finally chose watercolor, of which he values its transparency and lightness. It is one of the most difficult techniques to master, but he has achieved absolute mastery. He has won numerous awards and honorable mentions in this field.
His urban landscapes and paintings of nature and animals are of great subtlety and light and reflections always its protagonist. It has been extremely difficult to choose from his extensive work only a few paintings for this article, but I encourage you to see the enormous variety that he has on his website. https://www.aquarellesgraniou.com/ Enjoy.
Last saturdays we presented the ceramic artist Mea Rhee.
English is not my mother language, please excuse little faults