¿Fotografia o pintura hiperrealista? Estas obras son sublimes, ya que no son ni una cosa, ni la otra, pero si ambas a la vez. En tenues colores, destacados entre luces y sombras, aparecen rostros de bellas jóvenes delante de muros grises, de tapetes floridos o sumergiendo desde la misma penumbra.
Serias y sin un atisbo de sonrisa se muestran de frente o de perfil, todas ellas con una porte clasico, como si vinieran de lo atemporal.
Su autor es el artista Louis Treserras que tiene un indudable talento para captar la profunda melancholia que envuelve estos rostros. Su pagina web para ver su obra al completo es esta: http://www.treserras-photo.odexpo.com/
Photography or hyperrealistic painting? These works are sublime, since they are neither one thing nor the other, but both at the same time. In faint colors, highlighted between lights and shadows, appear beautiful young women faces in front of gray walls, flowery tapestry or emerging from the gloom.
Serious and without a hint of a smile they are shown in front or in profile, all of them with a classic bearing, as if they came from the timeless.
Its author is the artist Louis Treserras, who has an undoubted talent to capture the deep melancholia that surrounds these faces. His webpage to see his complete work is: http://www.treserras-photo.odexpo.com/