Bruno Walpoth, escultor italiano de gran talento, es nuestro artista presentado en esta semana. Tiene una larga trayectoria de exposiciones realizadas, tanto grupales como individuales.
Trabaja las maderas blandas como el olmo y la tila, pero también el nogal.
Sus tallas son extraordinarias, porque sus personajes - casi siempre jovenes adolescentes - parecen estar a la vez congelados, pero igualmente llenos de vida.
Las expresiones de sus rostros te cautivan y te dan la sensación de que los personajes en madera están presentes observándote. El gran talento de Bruno Walpoth para captar expresiones sumamente sutiles es incuestionable.
Vean su pagina web con mas ejemplos de su arte. así como un interesante video mostrando los pasos de como hace sus esculturas.
(dentro de su web)
En el post anterior presentamos a la artista textil Maria Jose Rodriguez
The human figure in wood - fantastic sculptures
Bruno Walpoth, a talented Italian sculptor, is our featured artist this week. He has a long history of exhibitions, both group and individual exhibitions.
He carves on soft woods like elm and basswood, but also on walnut.
His carvings are extraordinary, because his characters - almost always young teenagers - seem to be both frozen, but equally full of life.
The expressions on their faces captivate you and give you the feeling, that the wooden sculptures are present and watching you. The great talent of Bruno Walpoth to capture extremely subtle face expressions is unquestionable.
Please see his website with more examples of his art. as well as an interesting video showing the steps of how he makes his sculptures.
(within the website)
In the previous post we presented the textile artist Maria Jose Rodriguez