Mi articulo de hoy es un homenaje, no a uno, sino a varios artistas del arte en la fotografía culinaria, y en concreto de postres y pastelería selecta.
La fotografía bien hecha ya de por si es un arte, pero aquí esta combinada con el arte culinario, es decir que 2 artes se unen para ofrecer un resultado realmente exquisito. Un artista se dedica a crear el postre o pastel y este es desconocido por nosotros; el otro es el que lo pone en escena, y este si, que es fotógrafo, figura con su nombre en cada fotografía.
Sin poderlo saborear - obvio porque estamos viendo una fotografía - sin embargo nos da la sensación de que estamos degustando su excepcional sabor a través de la habilidad del fotógrafo, que con la elección y disposición de la vajilla, los adornos anexos y las luces y sombras, consigue deleitarnos la vista con su obra.
Puedes ver un corto video con buena música y fotos similares bajo este link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gdTECkhT20&list=PLTQwosmGgAmTIVit_0wd1AyZ5j2bywG9i&index=7
y también puedes bajarte un PDF correspondiente al video. https://www.imagenesyarte.com/pdfs/Exquisiteces_multicolor.pdf
El video y el PDF incluyen no solo fotos de postres, sino muchas mas, algunas de ellas coincidiendo con este articulo. Ademas se intercalan frases profundas. Disfrútalo.
En la semana pasada presentamos al artista de antaño Robbie Graham.
The Culinary Art in Photography
My article today is a tribute, not to one, but to several photographer artists of food images, and specifically desserts and selected pastries.
Well-made photography is already an art, but here it is combined with culinary art, that is to say that 2 arts come together to offer a really exquisite result. An artist is dedicated to creating the dessert or cake and he is unknown to us; the other is the one, who puts it on stage, and this one, who is a photographer, figures with his name in each photograph.
Without being able to taste it - obviously because we are seeing a photograph - however, it gives us the sensation that we are tasting its exceptional flavor through the skill of the photographer, that with the choice and disposition of the crockery, the adornments and the lights and shadows , manages to delight us with his work.
You can watch a short video with fine music and similar photos under this link:
and you can also download a PDF corresponding to that video. https://www.imagenesyarte.com/pdfs/Exquisiteces_multicolor.pdf
The video and the PDF include not only photos of desserts, but many more. Some coincide with this article. Also there are interspersed deep phrases. Enjoy it.
In the past week we presented the artist of former times Robbie Graham.